How to correctly select and use the skills in various types of accidents, and the related case very much. Every day hundreds of thousands of people because of the use of the gangway or improper use of inferior gangway and injured, resulting in disability and even death. Therefore, the analysis of product safety training, has become an important way to avoid such incidents, the protection of life.
The variety of types, each with a specific purpose. In addition, they also varied material, wood, aluminum, steel and so on have. And different styles of accommodation ladder have different length, load level and raw materials, such as in charged environment to use ramp made of glass fiber. In the use of the prior to carefully check the solder joints, rivets, pedaling connections are loose. If there is any of the above questions are not to use the gangway. In order to use the safety ladder to be placed in the top level on the ground, to avoid hazards above, such as high voltage line etc.. The low-end straight ladder in 75.5 degrees to ensure the safety point of view, or ensure the bottom and the hypotenuse is the ratio of 4:1. The easiest way is to live with his toes tobe straight arm, ramp angle, hold the ladder for good at the palm of the hand.
In climbing the ramp, always ensure hands and seize the gangway, never to one or both hands carrying things to climb the ladder. When the ladder to climb up high, need to make up the roof gangway 3 feet (0.91 meters). In the process of climbing the ladder, do not over stretch. Keep your body in between the two vertical ladder block. We must climb the ladder, mobile gangway, climb up again.
Gangway think it is worth noting is that training only is not enough, the more skilled workers do dangerous actions to quickly complete the work. Therefore, the safety design concept, in order to prevent unsafe work fundamentally.
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